Sunday, April 25, 2010

Taking Flight: Day 1

I have been asked to chronicle my days on the road and journey to New Orleans from Houston to help spread awareness of Neuroblastoma and the launching of the Layla Grace Foundation for children & families suffering with pediatric cancer.

Like many, I was more than touched by Layla's story & her battle for survival, her suffering, her spirit, and her parents' unfailing strength and faith. After Layla Grace earned her wings & after her courageous fight with this horrible disease, I felt called, and an immediate connection with Layla & her dreams, to the point of chills and hair raising moments every time I would train, and speak to her through the Lord. "Suffering" became the most important word in my vocabulary.

For me, a father of four precious angels, one of which was nearing only 5 months old when I left on this journey, "suffering" meant discovering & experiencing a near & beyond intolerable pain, from physical exhaustion to emotional & spiritual breakdowns, resulting in personal breakthroughs. After all, as close as I have become to what would have been an otherwise perfect stranger had it not been for fate & this disease, it could impact me even closer at any time with any of my own young children.

Realizing, of course, this is just the beginning, as I have not biked across the country, nor ran in any "ultra-endurance" races exceeding 100 miles or experienced grueling elements such as fierce altitudes or challenging terrain (YET?). But, like most things in life, even "suffering" is relative. In NO WAY am I ever going to suggest that any of my personal challenges or experiences a long my way to spreading awareness and raising contributions to support the funding & research for a cure compares to the pain & suffering these children and families have had & continue to endure, only, that it is my own way to dig deeper within me to play my part towards greater hope and one day, a cure. It is all relative to ones self & circumstances. As my strength grows & my abilities become more refined, my challenges will become bigger, and my suffering, my contributions to the cause will hopefully have even larger impacts not only on Layla's Foundation, but for Neuroblastoma, and success with the fight against pediatric cancer.

In a way, though I have much larger challenges planned & fundraising aspirations, this trip with Layla was sort of a "Dream" journey. In large part, because Layla's dream is to stop the suffering & find a cure. But also, because through her I was able to experience feelings and emotions I had not known to exist before, meet people I would not otherwise have come to know, and most importantly, come to know the end of myself & realize it takes time to learn how to rely on God & to see that he IS personal!

On my bike ride to New Orleans from Houston, I battled some heat & humidity, my fair share of aggressive & curious dogs, terrible roads, not so impressed motorists, more than a truckload of dead animals a long the side of the roads, differences in philosophies, sunburn, and of course fatigue. NONE of what I experienced can begin to shake a stick at what Layla & others experience every day of their fight! Not even close! But, there was one thing that just would not let up, would not cut me some slack, or even weaken for a moment-THE HEAD WIND!

From the first touch of the wind, my thoughts immediately turned to Layla (& her fellow Angels)& her battles, her incredible spirit through it all, her strength, and if I may say it, her never quit attitude that was so very contagious. THE WIND became my "Cancer", my fight for the cause. I continued to battle the "Cancer" one pedal turn at a time, though it often felt like I was standing still-motionless, yet pushing as hard as I could with every ounce of strength I could muster. I am battling THE WIND OF CANCER for those who are fighting the real fight for survival & a cure. Would this wind ever show mercy? I made this a "one on one fight", though in time, I would come to realize this fight was all by design, maybe not my design, but it was not being fought alone, nor without "wings", wings of an Angel.

When I finally reached the New Orleans City Limits, and rode my tires across the final inches nearing the signage I had been seeking for three and a half days, the wind stood still, providing me with even more hope that the battle can & will be won.

Because some have asked that I provide some details of my ride, I have included some notes from a long the way below should you choose to reflect with me. Remember to continue to share Layla's story, her hopes & dreams, & her life by directing people to where anyone can still help the foundation make a difference and spread awareness & be touched by an Angel!

Day 1

"Iron Wings Takes Flight With Layla"

Date: Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Distance Traveled: 117 miles *Arriving In/At Deweyville, Louisiana
Starting temperature and time: 60 degrees & 9am, *late start as a result of thick fog-waited for it to burn off before beginning journey towards Louisiana border
Finishing temperature and time: 83 degrees & 7:30pm
Food:Breakfast- McDonald's Coffee & apple juice, & cliff bar . Lunch-DQ, Dinner-Pasta with meatballs & garden salad
Overnight: Hampton Inn -Orange, Texas
Strength: "A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed"...Proverbs 11:25

*Preparing to mount my bike at the Houston City Limits to begin my journey just outside of Lake Houston.....Always nice to remind myself how "un-photogenic" I remain...LOL

The search to stay on track of my personal journey has been a lifetime of trial & error to say the least. I hope my "purpose" for this journey will inspire someone, if only one person, to add a little motivational "push" to his or her journeys & "Passion" for life, All Life. Riding for Layla & Her Foundation has been an enlightening, gratifying, spiritual experience. I hope reflecting with me will be an equally gratifying & motivating experience for you on your journey in your own life & the differences we can make in the lives of the children & families battling Pediatric Cancer!

Let me start by saying, I am FAR from athletic & to be perfectly honest, I do not even enjoy cycling all that much, in large part, because I am not all that good at it & I have always struggled in the past at completing long distances, not to mention, just staying on the bike without instance or crashing! So, back to the "relative" point from earlier, to complete this distance in the timeline necessary to attend and complete the race on the back end was, at this stage in my own personal journey, going to be quite an undertaking for me & "suffer ring" was about to take a strangle hold around my soul.

On April 14, 2010, I awoke from a very brief sleep, would not even call it a "nap", as I was terribly nervous, anxious & excited & already kind of feeling some doubt creeping in myself & hearing the voices of doubters from the outside. What would the roads be like, as I had never even driven them before? What would the weather be like? How would motorists react? All of the things that were completely out of my control, had all but consumed me? I knew I had trained hard, extremely hard since Layla earned her wings, & I knew the foundation was all but official, and would be by the time I hit the road. I knew the bike shop (Bike Barn) had well equipped & fine tuned my road bike, but I was still balancing on a fine line between furthering Layla's story & sharing her dreams & spreading awareness for the Foundation, and that of getting too much attention on myself, which is NOT what I wanted at all. The hard, fast line was, I was not going to be able to one without the other, it was what it was. I would have to simply deflect all of the attention I was going to receive in only one direction-Layla's Life, Her Story & Foundation!

Day 1: The support vehicle was ready to roll out early this morning (5:30am) to the "drop off" point for the beginning of the ride to New Orleans. I expected to get out early & planned to ride at least 120 miles or better to allow for some cushion later in the week if needed. However, right from the start, or shall I say "delayed" start we faced our first of many obstacles dealt our way: FOG. The fog over and beyond Lake Houston was very thick, virtually no visibility, and with the beginning of the ride set to take place on a 2 lane stretch of road with no shoulder, just not safe to begin. We allowed for the fog to burn off and grab a quick bite to eat, while doing so, my start of 6:30am, now became 9am, but safety had to remain a priority & common theme of this journey. I couldn't very well draw attention to Layla's story nor her Foundation if I were not upright on the bike and lying in a ditch somewhere!

I began cycling at 9am. departing near Huffman, just outside of Lake Houston on FM 1960. The beginning luxury of mild, cross winds would not be long lived, as I would have to begin the destination to the "East" shortly into the day and then feel what would be the beginning of the "real" winds and my symbolism with Cancer. After riding nearly 14 miles, I passed through the small community of Dayton, the ride and journey was really happening & even if I wanted to back out, the time had come to pass, I was in this to the finish & for all of the right reasons. But was my heart larger than my fitness?

After a few safety stops and refueling with fluids & nutrition (something I struggled with the entire trip & would pay dearly for in the days ahead), we had already approached the 50 mile point and was nearing Saratoga, Texas. The bike route we elected, after much consideration, took us far North of most heavily traveled roads and cities such as Beaumont, Texas. At the time, it seemed like a pretty smart strategy, but like most anything, would prove to have more than its fair share of challenges. If I was seeking an enjoyable, scenic ride with much fluff & fanfare, I had obviously selected the wrong route and challenge. That was ok-there is nothing "fluffy" or "scenic" about Cancer!

Thoughts of where I would end up after day 1 without pushing to far to fast & burning what energy I would need to continue for the 3 additional days were quickly entering my mind, far from daydreaming, but definitely consuming my attention. To this point, aside from the wind, the weather was near perfect, not to hot (yet) humidity in check, and most importantly, any calls for rain showers had disappeared. In my mind I knew if I averaged 100 miles per day I would be safe, but, there was a part of me that thought I could do more miles per day (of course I did) & make it into New Orleans sooner than anyone expected, after all, this was my first real "road trip" to speak of. I settled into a comfortable pace & then decided to just try and make it into Louisiana before concluding day #1, then and only then re-evaluate the route, weather, physical effects, and future distance goals, day by day. We ("Captain Dave") & I had determined before we left & he made it one of the conditions of his participation that I COULD NOT ride in or after dark-PERIOD, I graciously accepted & agreed. So this obviously had to play a major role in the strategy moving forward, especially if we ran into late starts or traffic conditions beyond our control, as it limits the number of actual "ride" hours in a day's time-And of course, we would.

We made it into Kountze,Texas at 2:15 pm, nearly 65 miles into day 1, and time for a lunch break and rest. We stopped off at a little DQ and grabbed a bite to eat, quick wash up, a seat in the air conditioning & some much needed soda and caffeine for me. With the 9am, late start and trying to get some kind of rhythm going with the support vehicle following my every move, we were by no means "blazing" the pace, but still covering what I thought to be enough ground, while making the necessary stops for fluids and sun screen spray downs-yes, by now the sun was in full effect, not real high temperatures, but definitely strong enough to take its toll on me & my skin!

I mounted back up on the bike at 3:30 and off we went, continuing towards US-69 for a brief stretch & then onward towards Kountze. To this point, for the most part, motorists were receptive to the whole car following the bike thing, and we were even getting several honks and thumbs up for Layla Grace. We would travel mostly rural, secluded roads at this point, & rode past my share of "curious" and at times, very fast dogs! No bites to speak of, none that I know of anyway, just some close encounters with several of man's best friends! Prior to reaching Kountze, the wind had picked up noticeably, to a direct wind from the East at 15-20mph, right in my head, ALL OF THE TIME. Riding in wind is normal, and very much expected, do not get me wrong, but, normally you catch a break, go a different direction, it changes up for you, not on this trip, at least not to this point. The miles were becoming harder and very much fewer and further between "pit" stops. The temps. were climbing and the sun, of course was hitting directly one side of my body for a very long stretch, most noticeably, my right leg-OUCH! I guess I should have "faked" tanned a bit prior to leaving?

I was nearing mile 75 and Silsbee. In a normal "multi-day" bike ride, I would have peeled back and called it in for day 1 around mile 65, at least that is what I have researched, couldn't find anything with suggestions for this type of challenge, especially with a Half Ironman Race on the final day? But I wanted to at the very least hit 100 miles, if not make it into Louisiana, knowing this would be closer to 115 miles, but I really wanted to be able to call my wife, provide her with some comfort & confidence, letting her know that I was already in Louisiana, knowing full well that she would not comprehend the day & distance stuff, only feel better about my progress & have a little peace of mind.

We pulled over in Texla, after a grueling stretch of wide open roads with absolutely no relief from the wind. I felt like for the past 15 miles, I was literally riding in place! I am sure my speed would reflect not much faster than riding in one place, but, I was giving it everything I had and fighting the wind like there was no tomorrow, as for some, the harsh reality is that there isn't a tomorrow-that is why I am out here in the first place. At Texla (which is on a map, but I did not really see much of anything except a convenience store), we stopped for a break and I pulled out the mat from the car as I needed to stretch. By now it was already 6:15pm and I had not ridden 100 miles yet. 9 plus hours of actual time had escaped, not all of course was on the bike, but not nearly the progress I had hoped for thus far. But then again, "Hope" is not the best of all available strategies for a task such as this? I visited with "Captain Dave" briefly, told him I really wanted to push into Louisiana, eclipse the 100 mile mark and then make dinner & hotel arrangements & plan for the next day's start. He informed me what the mileage was and what needed to be ridden to accomplish my goal and put an end to day 1. I needed 20 more miles and we would cross over into Louisiana, arriving in Deweyville & exceeding the 100 mile mark, in fact, putting us over 115 miles-My entire mental state changed for the better.

So, I am off-destination Deweyville! At Deweyville, I will have logged 117 miles, and all in all would feel good about my first day's ride-But, I wasn't there yet. I took off on the bike and again battled the wind, at least the sun was providing me some relief at this point, but that damn wind would not give in, Neither would I! I had less than 20 miles to go, and began speaking out loud on my bike. No one could hear me of course, no one other than Layla & The Lord that is. I was provided the strength not only to finish the last stretch of Day 1, but do the stretch faster than I had ridden all day long, even after biking nearly 100 miles already-I believe in Angels, Do you?
I arrived in Deweyville, crossing into Louisiana a little after 7:30. I must admit, feeling more than a bit soar, humbled to say the least (not that I need to eat any more of the old "Humble Pie"-I have digested my fair share), and already fearing getting up the next morning only to do it all over again-this would be the true test, how I recover and respond in just a few hours-Yikes!
We loaded the bike up, marked our finishing spot (which was easy, as I rode into a parking lot of a gas station)and took off to find a decent hotel in nearby Orange, Texas.

After checking into a nearby Hampton, on the Texas side of the border, I grabbed a quick shower & some ice and headed to a Pizza Hut for some pasta. After returning to the Hotel after dinner, I threw some clothes in the wash, spoke briefly with "Captain Dave" about tomorrow's route (not that I retained any of what he was saying-but I listened), and I hit the sack.
Little did I know what was happening back home and the amount of time & effort my wife was exhausting, communicating & collecting donations & pledges, and the outpouring of support & prayers that were coming my and Layla's way.....A movement was beginning or shall I say, continuing!

"Life has meaning only if one barters it day by day for something other than itself".....Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Monday, April 19, 2010

Taking Flight

Well, this will be my first "actual" post not being made through my incredible wife, Jenny. As most of you are now aware, I have arrived home, and under the Grace of God and Layla's Wings, safe and virtually unscathed. So it is only fitting I start this post here, at "Home", where it all began & if it were not for the strength & support of my wife and amazing children, I could not have taken this leap with Layla and assist her with her foundation taking flight. To my wife, Jenny: You are my Rock! Not once did you or the kids waiver from the mission or Layla's Dreams. I love you all so very much!

I must also thank Dave Stewart & his family for sacrifices they had to make to keep this journey alive & keeping me safe & on track. "Captain" Dave, followed me the entire way in my support vehicle, keeping track of routes, times, hydration, distances, nutrition, traffic, & all things "safety" all the way to New Orleans. A pleasant "surprise" and blessing arrived a long the way & another thanks goes out to the Sliva family & Nathan Sliva, whom decided to fly from Houston to our Baton Rouge Location to join in the journey & support me & Layla to Destination "New Orleans" during the final stages of the ride & the Ironman 70.3 race on the final day. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart for your time, sacrifice, dedication & friendships! I can not emphasize enough what your presence meant to me & how very much of an important role you all have played with helping move forward Layla's wishes through her foundation.

Finally, I want to thank all of you. If it were not for the outpouring of support, comments, & prayers, I do not know if I would have been able to complete this mission. My wife was keeping me informed through "Captain" Dave of all the kind words of encouragement and awareness for Layla & her foundation, God Bless you all!

So, here goes: I set off to accomplish a couple of things. First, Draw more attention to Neuroblastoma & assist The Marsh Family & Layla's Dreams to create awareness & support through their foundation for research & outreach until which day Layla & her flock of Angels can smile down from above at a cure. The contributions have been overwhelming in such a short period of time, but the primary goal set forth was to spread awareness and touch as many people a long the way as I possibly could. I am proud to say, with the all of your support, this mission has been a success! I will take the upcoming days & weeks now to go out and utilize the platform that has been built through this first journey to press forward with more efforts for awareness and contributions & quietly, behind the scenes to do whatever I can, with my family to drive people towards the foundation and become better informed of Layla's story & this terrible form of childhood cancer. I will continue to find physical "challenges" and endurance type events that will not only be created to raise awareness and contributions, but also, continue to build my connection with Layla & the suffering we all know she endured all the while touching so very many people. She has truly impacted the lives of so many & continues doing so. WE MUST do all we can, play our own role, whatever that may be, to put an end to this devastating disease and the torture these precious Angels & their families are enduring. I know for me, this journey through & with Layla has opened doors to opportunities & partnerships for "Hope" and support of the foundation & I intend to press forward, as the spirit of God intends me and continue to fill my heart with joy with Layla's never ending presence.

I am not going to "re-cap" any further my ride or race as the previous posts have summarized well the details and status. Besides, what I was doing is not as important as what will be done because of all of you. As I have made mention through Jenny this past week, what I did was not the objective. The greatest purpose here is dependent on how we respond to Layla's wishes & dreams, dreams of all children free from cancer.

However, I must remind everyone of the strength & power of faith and the unexpected "Blanket" of an Angel. On day #4, one day prior to the race and 1 day past my desired arrival, and after many frustrating events on the road and trials & tribulations & a very difficult swing of emotions and physical set backs (the list goes on & on)....I still had over 61 miles to complete to reach New Orleans and complete my "Victory" in Layla's honor & her foundation. Given the previous day's experiences with traffic and hurdles that we just could not overcome, doubt was more than creeping in. I had to not only complete the miles, but also, get checked in for the race by a certain time or be unable to compete, not to mention, would have really benefited from a bit of rest the day before the Ironman Event. All that being said, unlike the prior three days,on this morning, the skies opened up, not to much sun but no fog, the alternate route was safe, traffic almost non existent, the winds very much tolerable & almost calming, as if all of a sudden Layla had said "OK, enough suffering, it is time to finish & move on", just as her dream lives on to end the suffering & "Finish", with not only hope, but comfort for the families and ultimately through more research and better alternatives for treatment- A Cure! I was certain & clear from the beginning of what I was hoping for, but for a brief moment, until that connection on day #4 through Layla & under her wings and the Grace Of God, I was also being told to be certain of what I could not see. She was there & we finished together!

What I am going to do is ask, as "cliche" as it sounds, is to "Pay It Forward", somehow. Not necessarily with money & contributions, but with awareness. Tell a friend or co worker to check out the Foundation's site. Get 5 people to go to the foundation site & read Layla's story. Do something! None of us know what is around our corner, our own child's corner, neighbor's corner, relative's corner, any one's for that matter. We have all been touched by Layla & her story & her Family's strength & endurance & dedication to fighting this disease, but there are still plenty of people who do not know the beginning, or middle of the story. We CAN help write the ending, not the ending of a precious life as we know & love, but an ending to this terrible form of cancer & suffering! WE, together can do just that. Help make Layla's Dream a Reality, help me continue her fight for those children & families who continue their fight. Layla will spread her wings over you. I know that to be not only a certain truth, but also, an incredible Blessing in itself! Trust me, I know!

Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up....Galatians 6:9

Covered by Layla's Wings & Under God's Grace,


Sunday, April 18, 2010

Finished at Last!!

Scott completed the New Orleans Half Ironman!! He completed his mission, but only the beginning for the Layla Grace Foundation. He managed to raise $740 in just a few days thanks to the gracious hearts of family and friends!! We're all so proud and can't wait to see where his next journey takes him! Words to come from Scott himself later....stay tuned all and thanks for all the prayers and words of encouragement!

Race Day is Here!

Scott has finished the swim portion and should be transitioning to his bike if not already on it. He'll bike another 56.2 miles and finish with a half marathon 13.1 miles. Can't wait to hear all about it!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Day 4 - Who Dat?

Made it to New Orleans at 1:30 today! More to come later as I unwind and get ready to face tomorrow's challenge....thanks for all the support and prayers and thanks to Dave and Nathan for pushing me the last 20 miles!

Day 4 - I have to bike

Testing every fiber of my patience and temperament, to this point for the most part folks have been very accommodating and supportive on the roads, but after arriving in Baton Rouge, everything with the roads and traffic changed. Don't get me wrong, there was still the occasional "thumbs up" and screams of "you can do it", but we just could not find a safe road to continue into the later afternoon after a late lunch.

I must admit, more than frustration was creeping in the more I sat and watched the Friday rush hours worth of traffic fly by me, I began having some doubts, doubting that I could complete the entire mission. Do not get me wrong, physically, I feel great and strong with all things considered after battling the wind and sun for 3 straight days. As I sat feeling a bit hopeless, "Captain" Dave was on his laptop trying to somehow find us a way through and beyond this mess. It hit me that this is a battle I am fighting and there are so many forks in the road for these Angels and their parents and the difficult treatment decisions they not only have to make, but endure with their children. I am sitting by the road outside Baton Rouge so that I can help with a movement - a movement to put an end to the unnecessary pain.

Again, reminding myself this is not about me or the pain I am feeling or all the traffic or unfit roads and debris.

Here is the good news: I have approached the 300 mile mark in almost 3 days or riding. Yes, the conditions have been not only unexpected but also quite grueling to say the least. "Captain" Dave has found a road through a very rural and a bit longer than desired, but we feel with a very slow safe approach, we can travel into New Orleans with some tricky maneuvering into Bourbon Street. I will have to ride 64 miles this morning on Day 4 and quickly get to the race meetings, check in, check in my race bike and then try to rest a bit for tomorrow's half ironman. I can see the light at the end of the first leg of this journey and am slowly being overtaken with emotions I don't think I have ever felt.

God Bless Nathan Sliva and his entire family as he flew into New Orleans last night just so he could do whatever possible to help and support this cause - Amazing!! I am speechless over the kind of overwhelming attention and support and momentum this tiny journey has created for Layla's hopes and dreams to beat this thing through her Foundation.

The next time you hear from or see a picture posted, it will be in New Orleans with the wings of Layla carrying me to finish.

Blessings from the road. Now let's get her done!

Friday, April 16, 2010

The Good and The Bad

Good News and Bad News. Not going to make it in 3 days, but nothing is going to stop me from reaching Bourbon Street now. Had lunch at Applebees in Baton Rouge, and taking off on bike again now.

Very hot and wind is picking up again! 71 miles to Bourbon Street and the completion of the first leg of this journey in Layla's honor and foundation! Will have to bike some tomorrow morning, not certain how far yet as it will depend how far I get from now until dark.

The outpouring of prayers and support is incredible and I am already getting emotional! With the 56 miles I will ride during my race on Sunday, will put me just over 400 miles for the cause.

Lots of Love from Baton Rouge!!

Day 3 - Baton Rouge

Day started at 10:00 due to fog and winds. Made it to Baton Rouge and starting the final stretch to New Orleans - another 77 miles to go!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Day 2 Updates

4/15: “Scottism” from Route 90, LA “It’s not where you’re going or how fast you get there, but why you go and what you do along the way that is most important.”

8 am start, little later than planned but needed a lot of stretching.

Noon, 50 miles down with nutrition and water stops along with fierce head winds. Feel very good about progress.

Very sunburned!! Some soreness. But not complaining. After all, it pails in comparison to the suffering of all the precious angels.

As difficult as this has been, during every stop in unison, “Captain” Dave and I look at each other and say “yeah, but it’s not about me”. The miles are long, the wind is strong, though with every stroke of the pedal, I’m attacking the wind right back as if it is a child with cancer.

More updates to follow and God Bless!

DeQuincy, Louisiana

I could not do this without the guidance and support from "Captain" Dave. He keeps me going spiritually, mentally, and physically! What a blessing to have him by my side as his role in this is just as difficult as my role, but "it's not about us"! Getting ready to take off from DeQuincy, LA!

Day 2 - Began at 7:00 am

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Day 1 - Fog, Wind, But Made it to Louisiana!

As most things in life, nothing goes as planned or is as seems. A very thick fog off of Lake Houston delayed his start 2 hours this morning. With that being said, Scott still made it into Louisiana - day 1's original goal of 110 miles. Blessings - no flat tires and no accidents, but very bumpy roads and strong head winds the entire day. "It feels like you just got done with a 10 hour boxing match with the road."

Felt relieved to get into Louisiana and will continue the journey on a road bike which makes the task all the more difficult as his entire cycling life has been riding a triathlon bike which is making a huge difference.

He's checking into a hotel now to grab a quick ice bath, big dinner, and to bed. Tomorrow will be the longest stretch planned of his ride and hopefully he winds will settle and he'll get started by 6 a.m. Thursday morning.

Finally, he wanted me to make mention that the hardest stretch with the heaviest winds and the worse roads were the last 30 miles of the day. However, he wanted me to make sure I mention that it was as if Layla had seen enough suffering for one day and jumped on his back with her wings and carried him to Louisiana with his fasted bike time of the day. That says it all!

No time today to follow messages, but he knows and appreciates the out pouring of support and rallying for this cause. It's just the beginning!

Love and Blessings from the Louisiana Border!

Scott's Journey Helping the Layla Grace Children's Cancer Research Foundation

Greetings! I'm sending you this email to inform you of Scott's latest endeavor. He's travelling BY BIKE, yes BIKE from Houston, Texas to New Orleans, Louisiana to compete in the New Orleans 1/2 Ironman this Sunday, April 18th.

He is being accompanied by a great friend and neighbor some of you know - Mr. Dave Stewart or "Super Dave" as we like to call him, so he's not alone!! His journey began this morning around 9:00 a.m.

Ok, so why on earth is he doing this? Well, partly for training and a personal goal. But mainly, like many people, he has been touched by the story of Layla Grace. Some of you knew her and her story, some of you may be hearing about this for the first time.

Layla was diagnosed with Neuroblastoma at around age 18 months and fought very very hard for almost a year to battle this horrible cancer. Unfortunately, she lost the battle last month and went to Heaven to play with the Angels. Our family didn't know her very well, but we did follow her story like so many of you did. Addison is friends with Layla's sister and Layla's mom coached Addison's Cheerleading team the first year we moved down here so that is our connection to Layla.

Scott wanted to do something not only in her memory, but also in supporting the research of this cancer. Having 4 children of our own, and knowing the 1 in 4 statistics, you just never know when you personally could be faced with cancer. His pain will be nothing compared to the pain that Layla felt nor the pain of her family's loss.

Please, if you can, take the time to read Layla's story on or and if you find it in your hearts, to donate to Layla's foundation "The Layla Grace Children's Cancer Research Foundation" which will fund research for a cure for this cancer! He's travelling approximately 400 miles, so it would be great if he could raise $1.00 / mile providing atleast $400 for this cause.

IMPORTANT: If you can donate and you don't mind sharing, will you please let us know how many miles you are donating for? So 5 miles would be $5.00. We just want to make sure we get the $1.00 / Mile so we will be donating the difference to get to $400 ($1.00 for each mile he bikes = 400 miles!)

We'll keep updates of his journey posted on Facebook, Twitter (if I can figure it out at home tonight) and possibly some Youtube footage. Please pray for his safety and pray for the families who like Layla's are dealing with this horrible disease today and waiting for a cure! Thanks everyone!